Broiler Feed

The secret to broiler feed is balance. The Novatek 5 phase Broiler Feeds are formulated to ideal protein and amino acid levels that are balanced to ensure the correct protein to energy ratio. There are a few essential pointers to follow on the farm to ensure that the birds reach their maximum potential, and the farmer gains maximum profits per cycle.
- Follow the correct disinfection protocol
- Ensure that the brooding phase is done correctly
- Follow the correct vaccination and medication procedure supplied by the hatchery
- Feed the right feed at the correct time. Our feed calculator can be used for this
- Ensure that the birds have access to clean, fresh water at all times
- Ensure that the broiler housing is set up correctly, with adequate ventilation, temperature, lighting and bedding.
The first step in growing out a healthy day old chick starts 3 weeks before it is placed. When the previous flock is removed, a proper clean out of the facilities with detergent based wash (soap) and a good disinfection, should be followed by the rest of the facilities (of at least 10days) until the day old chick arrives.
The day old broiler feed an easy five phase program. During brooding, sufficient heat and ventilation must be supplied for the young bird to make the most of novatek broiler pre-starter and broiler starter crumbles respectively.
After growing out a strong and vital bird, it is then transitioned to novatek broiler grower pellets.
Novatek broiler finisher pellets is a high energy feed with reduced protein content to allow for the rapid growth of the birds.
Novatek broiler withdrawal pellets is the final stage of feeding in which the requirement for minerals and vitamins and proteins are the lowest but the highest energy levels are included. The mandatory withdrawal period on coccidiostats before slaughter is followed by using this feed to ensure no residues remain in the meat.
Clean water together with feed are the most important factors for optimum growth and enough feeders and water fonts should be available at all times.
Novatek Broiler Finisher pellets is a high energy feed with reduced protein content to allow for the rapid growth of the birds.
Novatek Broiler Withdrawal pellets is the final stage of feeding in which the requirement for minerals, vitamins and protein are the lowest but the highest energy levels are included. The mandatory withdrawal period on coccidiostats before slaughter is followed by using this feed to ensure no residues remain in the meat.
Clean water together with feed are the most important factors for optimum growth and enough feeders and watering fonts should be available at all times.